
We offer 3 sessions, with a variety of bolt-on options for extra flexibility.
We are open from 7.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday for 51 weeks of the year
(closed Christmas/New Year week).
Our core sessions are: Mornings (8am to 1pm), Short Afternoons (1pm to 4pm) and Full Afternoons (1pm to 5pm).
For those who need extra flexibility we have introduced “bolt on” options, where we can extend the morning session from 7.30am to 1.30pm if required.
We have two booking options available:
REGISTERED – book regular sessions every month through a registered contract, and we will guarantee those sessions for you throughout the term of your contract (6 weeks notice required). We book our staff based on these registered sessions to guarantee your child’s place every month. Registered parents will also get discounted last minute sessions each week, plus discounts at local shops and early bird access to events.
REGISTERED BOOKINGS can be either full time (51 weeks of the year) or term-time (38 weeks a year)
AD-HOC – book ad-hoc sessions as and when you need! These sessions will be limited to those available based on the staffing scheduled for registered bookings; meaning great flexibility, but we cannot guarantee the same sessions will be available every week. This is a great option for families who don’t want to commit to a full contract and don’t need guaranteed childcare for certain times every week.
Under 2 years
£7.20 per hour
Morning Session (8am to 1pm): £36
Short Afternoon Session (1pm to 4pm): £21.60
Full Afternoon Session (1pm to 5pm): £28.80
7.30am – 8.00am / 1.00 – 1.30pm bolt ons: £3.60
All fees include snacks, with morning sessions also including a fresh, healthy breakfast (served between 8.00am and 8.45am)
Forest school and other field trips (such as to the farm, playground or beach) are also included in the price.

2 to 3 years
£6.50 per hour
Morning Session (8am to 1pm): £32.50
Short Afternoon Session (1pm to 4pm): £19.50
Full Afternoon Session (1pm to 5pm): £26
7.30 – 8.00am / 1.00 – 1.30pm bolt ons: £3.25
All fees include snacks, with morning sessions also including a fresh, healthy breakfast (served between 8.00am and 8.45am)
Forest school and other field trips (such as to the farm, playground or beach) are also included in the price.
Over 3 years
£6.30 per hour
Morning Session (8am to 1pm): £29.50
Short Afternoon Session (1pm to 4pm): £17.70
Full Afternoon Session (1pm to 5pm): £23.60
7.30 – 8.00am / 1.00 – 1.30pm bolt ons: £2.95
All fees include snacks, with morning sessions also including a fresh, healthy breakfast (served between 8.00am and 8.45am)
Forest school and other field trips (such as to the farm, playground or beach) are also included in the price.